If you call a phone number with prefix numbers 0077 or 001, charges will be incurred from KDDI.
If calls were made unintentionally using these prefix numbers, it is possible that your phone is set to automatically add them.
To disable this setting, please refer to the user manual for your phone or contact the phone manufacturer.
How termination of My Line affects
While using My Line, the charges were billed from the registered telephone company.
With the termination of My Line service, if the prefix number 0077 or 001 from KDDI has been added in your phone's settings, charges will be incurred from KDDI.
This automatic addition is due to the ACR/LCR function (which automatically selects the pre-set telephone company when making a call) and is available in both built-in and external types.
It is possible that this setting is causing unintended charges to be incurred from KDDI.