  • By phoneOpen 9:00 – 20:00

    • English

      0120-959-472(Toll Free)

    • Portuguese

      0120-959-473(Toll Free)

    • Chinese

      0120-959-476(Toll Free)

    • Korean

      0120-959-478(Toll Free)

    • Tagalog

      0120-933-952(Toll Free)

    • Vietnamese

      0120-933-961(Toll Free)

    • Japanese
      about au mobile services

      157(Toll Free)from au phones

      0077-7-111(Toll Free)

      about Internet services
      Contract / Fee / Billing

      0077-7084(Toll Free)

      Connection setting / failure

      0077-777(Toll Free)


I would like to check on a charge that I do not recall using

For au PAY charges

I would like to check on an au PAY charge that I do not recognize

Please check your au PAY usage history to confirm whether it was used by you.

If the issue is not resolved after verifying the details

For your reference

For au Easy Payment charges

I would like to check on an au Easy Payment charge that I do not recall

Please check the details in your au Easy Payment usage statement.

Charges may arise due to the end of discounts or free periods for services in use, payments for online shopping, or in-app purchases for apps and games.

For installment payment charges

I would like to check on an installment amount charged for a device that I do not recognize

You can check whether you have any remaining installment amount for the device charges, etc.

For your reference

  • If you did not settle your installment amount in a lump sum, you will continue to be charged for the remaining amount with the same payment method as during your contract, even after canceling your contract.

For charges of an unknown phone number

I would like to check on a phone number charge that I do not recognize

There may be a possibility that it is related to a tablet or data transmission device, so please check the phone number of the device.

For your reference

  • Telephone numbers are also assigned to tablets and data transmission devices other than mobile phones.

For charges of fixed-line phones (0077/001)

I would like to check on a fixed-line phone charge that I do not recognize

If you call a phone number with prefix numbers 0077 or 001, charges will be incurred from KDDI.

If calls were made unintentionally using these prefix numbers, it is possible that your phone is set to automatically add them.

To disable this setting, please refer to the user manual for your phone or contact the phone manufacturer.

Regarding KDDI’s billing system

End of My Line service

  • My Line is a service that allows you to make calls by previously registering your preferred telephone company, without having to dial that company prefix.
  • The telephone company selection service My Line ended in January, 2024.

How termination of My Line affects

While using My Line, the charges were billed from the registered telephone company.

With the termination of My Line service, if the prefix number 0077 or 001 from KDDI has been added in your phone's settings, charges will be incurred from KDDI.

This automatic addition is due to the ACR/LCR function (which automatically selects the pre-set telephone company when making a call) and is available in both built-in and external types.

It is possible that this setting is causing unintended charges to be incurred from KDDI.

If you still do not recognize the charges after checking everything above

I would like to check on charges of my billing statement that I do not recall using

If you have checked your billing statement and still do not recognize the charges, please contact our Message Service.

Contact us

Reception Hours

AI: 24/7 (all year round)

(Online Advisor: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

  • All of the indicated amounts exclude tax unless otherwise specified.