
This website is provided in the interest of offering information about management practices, plans, and financial standings of our company to our shareholders and investors, and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell stocks or any other investments in our company.

While we pay close attention to the information and materials contained within this website, there is absolutely no guarantee that the information contained herein is correct or appropriately updated. Moreover, in no event shall our company be held liable for any loss or damage arising from this website, regardless of the cause, including as a result of information contained herein, or any errors or the downloading of data. In addition, please understand that our company reserves the right to alter or delete any contents or information contained within this website without prior notice.

All of the current plans, projections, and strategies of our company, excluding any historical information, contained within this website are solely offered as projections, and this information contains factors of risk and uncertainty, resulting from the judgments of our management based on currently available data. Actual operations may vary greatly from projections, due to factors including economic conditions, competition in the telecommunications industry, and feasibility of new services. Therefore, we request your understanding that projections of future business results in no way constitute guarantees of performance.

This website includes links to other sites managed outside of our company. These sites are not endorsed or guaranteed by our company, and when accessing a linked site you must do so at your own risk. In addition, under no circumstances shall our company be held liable for any damage arising from the use of these sites, including the use of information contained therein.

Upon your understanding of the above, we request that you use your best judgment when making any decisions regarding investments.